After every storm , there is a rainbow of hope.

Every year Nicole DeHoff Photography holds a Rainbow baby shoot. This year we decided to photograph 7 beautiful newborns. Each baby has a very special story to tell.

My husband and I welcomed a healthy baby girl in May 2016. Shortly after in September we learned we were pregnant again. Surprise! At our dating ultrasound the tech went silent, turned off the screen and let us sit in the room for 30 minutes awaiting the doctor. At 9 weeks our little baby had no heartbeat. Fast forward to August of 2018... we learned we were expecting, but I wanted to wait to see doctor until after 9 weeks when I thought I would be "safe". Once again I felt like I was having deja vu. The ultrasound tech started her sentence with "I'm sorry" and I already knew the drill. Two times in a row. How does that happen? Babies around same gestation with no heartbeats. My body giving me no clues. I was devastated. At the end of January we learned again we were pregnant and welcomed another sweet baby girl on September 16!

My husband and I always knew we wanted kids, and we were blessed with our first child in 2015. Once we had our son, we knew we wanted more and wanted our kids to be close in age. We started trying two years after our son, and it seemed like it took forever for us to get pregnant. Finally, in 2018, we found out we were expecting. We were excited like anyone else would be until we scheduled our appointment. Devastated and confused, we had come to find out that we had miscarried. With so many emotions going on through our heads, we were wondering if there was something we could have done differently, how many times this would happen, and should we keep trying? We were determined to keep trying and bring a new life into this world, and we are so glad we did. They always say there's a storm before a rainbow and in September 2019 we were finally blessed with our amazing rainbow baby girl and couldn't be happier.

I got pregnant fairly easily with our second, but for some reason, I never felt pregnant. Even after going to the doctor and her confirming I was around 8 weeks, I was still uneasy about it. I wasn’t having the normal symptoms I had with my first. Everyone told me I was stressing out for nothing, but in my gut, I knew something wasn’t right. Then a couple days after the appointment, I started bleeding. An ultrasound confirmed a miscarriage. We decided to start trying again as soon as we could, and four months later, I was pregnant again. This time it felt right and Palmer was born almost exactly one year later. What helped get me through was knowing that I am a rainbow baby myself, and things happen for a reason. Had they not, myself nor Palmer would be here.

We had our miscarriage on Christmas Eve. We were able to try one more time before giving up and doing adoption. We decided to be team green and be surprised about the gender of our baby.

July 13th 2018 Braylen Jace Freeman was born, he had trouble breathing so he was taken to the NICU. Within a few days we were able to go home. A few days later Braylen would eat, he went seven hours without eating and staying awake. He was taken to Akron children, had an ultrasound done and found that his intestines were in a knot, which led to having holes in his intestines. He had immediate surgery to get the bad intestines out. But soon after the surgery Braylen just got worse and worse. His kidneys started failing, his liver failed, his hole body and everything in his body got bad. He wasn't able to fight it and he joined GOD at eight days old July 21st 2018. In December of 2018 we had a surprise pregnancy with our rainbow baby Addison Paisley